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  • Details
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Classicove Cornice

A range of cornices to complement a variety of decors including classic, modern and contemporary interiors.

Knauf Decorative Cornices can create a sense of refinement, sophistication and space in a room. Knauf New York and Sydney cornice can be retro-fitted over existing cornices such as 55mm Cove.

Contemporary paper-faced designs
Machine extruded providing a perfect finish
Easy installation
Ideal upgrade from standard cornice
Consistent quality

Name Description Size
cornice brochure cairo.pdf cairo brochure 203 Kb
cornice brochure linear.pdf linear brochure 145 Kb
cornice brochure manly.pdf manly brochure 184 Kb
cornice brochure new york.pdf new york brochure 149 Kb
cornice brochure sydney.pdf sydney brochure 117 Kb
kna 000_cornice range.pdf knauf cornice range 3.43 MB
cornice sds.pdf cornice sds 502 Kb
kna_sheetrock cove_pds.pdf cornice pds 287 Kb